Monday, May 13, 2013

Book Review: Making Friends: Cool It, Carrie

Realistic Fiction

Interest Level:
Ages 10 to 13

Reading Level:
Grades 4 and up

Book Theme:
Friendship, bullying, writing

Books with Similar Themes: 
Tales from a Not-So-Talented Pop Star by Rachel Renee Russell,  Making Friends: Face Facts, Sky by Kate Andrews

Bibliographic Information:
Andrews, K. (1997). Making friends: Cool it, Carrie. Canada: Troll Communications L.L.C.

Despite being a talented writer, Carrie is doesn't want anyone to read the story she has written.but finally finds the courage to read some of it to her friends like Alex and Sam. When her friend Jordan finds it in her backpack later he decides to take it home to read it. He discovers it's really good and submits it to a writing contest at a local bookstore. He doesn't tell Carrie any of this and she panics when she can't find her story. When the bookstore calls to say she won the contest Carrie is furious, especially when she finds out she has to read it in front of people at the store that Sunday! Carrie gets used to the idea, but is scared that the Amy's, a group of girls that bully Carrie and her friends, will ruin her reading. And then to top it off her mother forbids her to go! Will Carrie be able to read her story at the store, and if she does can she stop the Amy's from humiliating her?

Making Friends: Cool It, Carrie is the second book in the Making Friends Series. Carrie's story is one that tweens will enjoy for a number of reasons. Carrie deals with things like bullying and a parent who doesn't understand her, something many tweens will understand. Carrie also has a secret talent that she feels shy about, but then she finds the courage to face her fears and share her talent with the world, something many tweens will admire. Carrie's friends are very important to her, even though they sometimes drive her crazy, which many tweens will be familiar with in the own lives. Carrie will inspire tweens to write stories and to reach for their dreams. Making Friends: Cool It, Carrie is fun, engaging, and entertaining, and one that is recommended for anyway tween who loves to see the underdog persevere.

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